Booking Meals
Visit the Queen’s College Online Services Portal – (Login using your OXFORD SSO credentials).
From the Portal you can book meals and pay Batells – College Staff can even get their PaySlips!
- Lunches during the week are through the servery
- Just join the queue outside Hall and present your University card at the till; servery meals are charged to your Batells.
- Use the Online Meal Booking System for:
- all Dinners
- Dinners need to be booked by 11am on the day of dining
- Weekend lunches (and weekend dinners) must be booked by 11am on the Friday before the weekend.
- You can book meals up to seven (7) days in advance.
- all Dinners
Dietary Requirements
Changes to medical and food allergies must be communicated to the Catering Manager and Head Chef immediately so that records stay up-to-date and College can help keep you safe.
NB – Graduates
If the Meal Booking calendar is BLANK (ie no meals available) then please contact the Bursary and they will correct the meal booking database.
Batells are bills sent to college members at the start of each term, listing the charges payable to the college. Depending on your circumstances, your batells can cover accommodation and catering charges for the coming term. They can also include charges or credits for other services from the previous term and vacation, such as vacation residence, college meals, JCR fees, photocopying and other small charges. The first batells of the academic year is sent in Michaelmas Term and may also include tuition and college fees if you are liable to pay these.
Payment Methods
You can pay your fees/Batells by cheque, cash or credit/debit card. You can do this in person in the Bursary or on-line at
The Meal Booking and Payments websites are exactly the same – we just have two web addresses which re-direct to the same site. Just use the website menu to move between booking meals and paying / checking Batells.