Office365 stopped working? It may have expired

Sounds like your subscription may have expired.

Login to the “” website and check when your annual subscription for Office365 expires.

  2. Login using your OXFORD SSO credentials
  3. Click Options dropdown menu in the top right and select Your Account/Orders
  4. On the Orders & Downloads tab you will see what you have ordered recently – Click View Details
  5. The Order Summary page will tell you when your subscription expires.

If your subscription has expired … renew it for free! 🙂

However, we have found that the temporary password sent to you for renewing your subscription doesn’t always work.

So what do you do?
Read our next blog … Renewing Office365 Subscriptions

Please note that the Office365 service is delivered by Kivuto on behalf of IT Services – all support queries need to go to or 0800 098 8436 (11am to 11pm UK time).