The Microsoft deal for Oxford University students has now ended.
Looking at the EndNote website it appears that EndNote X6 wasn’t designed for Word 2013 – although the EndNote’s website says that it does work apart from you cannot cite Figures and Tables. So if you need to cite figures and tables then you will need to look at older versions of Word (eg Word 2010 or Word 2007).
Extract from EndNote website which you should keep in mind :
“No current version of EndNote has been designed to be compatible with Office 2013, as they were developed before the release of Word 2013. Versions designed to be compatible with Office and Word 2010 (EndNote X4, X5 and X6) appear to work with Word 2013 with one exception. Figures and tables are not working with Word 2013. If you need to use EndNote to work with your figures and tables, we recommend using an earlier version of Word. Note that a Windows RT computer can run Office 2013, but it cannot run EndNote.”
Word 2013 is available to University students in general as “Office 365 University” which is a four year subscription to the main Office programs.
Learn more here –
Or you can purchase the Office 2013 Home and Student version (not time bond) which is a bit more expensive but you don’t get the full suite of programs (eg you don’t get Access, Outlook or Publisher).
If you need Word 2010 for EndNote to cite tables and figures then you will need to hunt around as most places will only stock Office 2013 now and it seems that Microsoft is really pushing the subscription model (Office 365). Beware of online stores selling “Product Key Cards” are this is just the licence code – it doesn’t include the actual software (the product key code is really for versions of Office that came preloaded on computers as a trail version – the key code upgrades the trail version to a fully working copy).
HOWEVER – according to EndNote’s website it appears that Writer 3 is compatible. OpenOffice is a free Office suite so you may want to experiment with that before purchasing a version of Microsoft Word.