Further to my email of Friday 6 November 2015 at 10pm http://it.queens.ox.ac.uk/2015/11/06/malware-infections-spreadsheet-attachments-in-emails/ IT Services declared a major incident yesterday (Monday…
SUMMARY – PLEASE READ Staff, academics and students dealing with finance for University / College clubs and societies should be…
There have been several people around Oxford having issues connecting to Eduroam after upgrading to Apple’s latest and greatest iOS…
Just a quick heads – Don’t open any .Zip file email attachments which are reported to be Voicemail messages. It…
There are websites popping up all the time for meeting new people some of which are targeted specifically at students (eg.…
We just got an email from a concerned student who received a phishing email to do with his PayPal account. The hyperlink…
Please be VERY careful not to get caught out. Remember IT Services will NEVER : ask you for your password…
I’m serious – if you haven’t done a back up of your computer recently then do it today! In fact…
[Ed – I wrote the original blog post back in 2015 when the University only gave you 2GB of email…
Another round of phishing in Oxford. …sigh… This one is particularly interesting as it specifically targets the University. Just be…